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To enquire about making a booking, please contact our team to discuss the event. As we are in close proximity to local residents and rely on the work of amazing volunteers, our availability will depend on this.  We therefore tend not to do birthday parties etc. However, we'd love to hear from you and see if it's something we can make work. Prices will be discussed upon hearing your enquiry.

You can contact us here


Alongside community events, working with local acts or organisations, we also have a meeting space for 6-8 people available for hire too. If you're looking for somewhere different to meet with your team which gets the creative juices flowing and offers great food and drinks, we'd love to hear from you! Prices will depend on the length of your meeting, with packages available to include refreshments. 


We hope to see this exciting space used for a variety of events, from independent and local business markets and one-off events to music gigs from local musicians and community based talks or sessions focused on positive well-being.


All well as our outside space, The Mount also has one large and modern indoor space with capacity to seat around 100 people, a smaller meeting room & a kitchen space. For more info just ask. 

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